In our Art day our objective was to the children explore and interpret colors in art work and will create their own colorful still life artwork. We put a vase with flowers with different colors. The students were able to observed the flowers closely and they decided what colors want to used to do their creations. Educator asked Jacob what was he interested to made he said:"I don't know jet." He finished and he described: "It's the sea and the sun." Augustus created :"The space and stars." We observed how the children describe how a color makes them feel. Colors are everywhere, and using art to explore color can open children's eyes to a world of shades and emotions. Artist sometimes use brilliants colors and sometimes use neutral colors to paint what they see or feel. The colors can be true to life, or the color represent how an artist feels or what he o she imagines. Colors is all around us; it is a beautiful part of our everyday lives and we want our students have this feeling of Joy and creativity!
Myrian was very engaged she used different colors to made "Flores" to her mom. Elinor painted a boat she used color "Purpura, rosado." she was very concentrated. Miriam said: "I don't want to get dirty." Elinor said: "It's ok if you get durty."
Julian decided to made a map to take in our walk outside he was very interested to his design and want to shows to everyone.
At the gym we had our story time this week we are reading Frederick by Leo Lionni
Pretend play is always present in our daily routines. At the gym Cortez was playing with Jacob and Deji animals . Deji was feeding his pet.