Hola familias, We begin our morning with multiple experiences within the classroom. Kenna and Sita spent some time in dramatic play pretending a dinner at a restaurant. Damian and Franco built a house for their animals with magnetics. Franco told his Leon, "Hey, porque no entras a tu casa?" Damian said "Mira!! el Gorilla rompio su casa" then he made a house for the little pig. Other Estrellitas also worked with mud and others building airplanes or paper figures. In our Cita Time, we continued talking about aquatic animals, It was Annie's turn to blow out the candle. We remember that tomorrow Friday is her birthday and she told us that her favorite colors are those of the rainbow. He also told us that his favorite animals are the Giraffe, Dolphins and Penguin. She would like to have fruit sticks with Apple, Orange, Strawberries and Cucumber for her morning snack.
Making Turtles and Painting Aquatic Animals
Enthusiastic about aquatic animals, a small group worked on building "Turtles" with some materials such as disposable plates, colored cards, paints and markers. Alvin in his care made several Turtles but then wanted to cut cards and use the parts to recreate "A Green Turtle".
Drawing Aquatic Animals
Another group of Estrellitas worked on drawing aquatic animals with markers and watercolor. Benny, Solomon and Sita proudly displayed their works.
Figures and Letters with Tape
A third group worked in the Art Room with tape and painting building letters. Sammy made the letter "S", Annie made her full name and Nour made some different figures.
Sliding in the Snow
Solomon, Benny & Sammy